The Accounting Department registers the facts and acts of financial economic nature of entities.
International Standards
Classification and accounting bookkeeping in compliance with existing regulations and accounting principles, calculation of balance sheets, preparation of annual balance sheets and periodicals and administrative and financial statements, in compliance with Brazilian Accounting Standards – NBC – with regard to international standards issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee – CPC
Aware of the new legal requirements, SEMCON uses a system prepared for integration with the clients’ management software to generate files created by SPED.


Digital tax bookkeeping records and taxes calculation, delivery of ancillary obligations, and compliance with current tax laws and other normative acts requirements.
Systems integration optimizing imports of EFD Tax and EFD Contributions files or Xml of invoices and/or electronic control of outputs and inputs.

Personnel and Labor

Highly trained staff, including multi-company services using computerized registry of employees, in replacement for the traditional system of books or records.
As standard, in addition to complying with all labor and social security legislations, the department analyzes and applies the agreements, conventions and collective bargaining for each economic category.
We provide a system ready for new legal requirements, particularly of E-Social, through data integration.
We also offer outsourcing of the entire operational Human Resources to enable the client to focus exclusively on strategic Human Resources.

Partnership Legalization
  • Companies opening, closure, contractual changes.
  • Feasibility studies and implementation of corporate restructuring.
  • Advisory on incorporation, merger or division of companies.
  • Implementation of Holding and Asset Management Company.
  • Advisory on company reorganization.
  • Implementation of internal control procedures.
  • Control and Clearance Certificates.
  • Payment of tax debts.
  • Regulation toward Official Class Rules.

Administrative Litigation

Advisory and monitoring of Federal, State and Municipal supervision. In the event fiscal penalties, we offer monitoring of the entire administrative tax process, from the defense process to the final appeal, according to each case, through full legal and tax guidance to the client.

Income tax return for individuals

SEMCON relies on specialized staff for customer service to provide advice on the Statement of Annual Adjustment of Individual Income Tax (DIRPF). We also elaborate Estate Declaration, Final Estate Statement, Final Country Exit Declaration, Income Tax, Capital Gain, among other statements concerning the individual.

Tax Consultancy
  • Tax, corporate tax, accounting, partnerships and human resources.
  • Reporting, diagnostics, tax studies, technical advice, consulting projects, analysis of financial.
  • Support in the implementation of management systems.
  • Preventive Consultancy.
  • Identification of legal benefits and tax contingencies.
  • Survey on tax credits not used by the company.


The assistance services on accounting, fiscal and personnel department is a unique feature of SEMCON. Our team comprises highly-experienced professionals, who are always updated regarding new procedures in the legislation.

  • Audit by crossing ancillary obligations of EFD Accounting, SPED Fiscal, and EFD Contributions.
  • Audit of the electronic invoices issued and received by the client through the XML files.
  • Preventive audit in specific areas.
  • Audit for acquisition and sale of the company.

SEMCON offers training in accounting, fiscal and personnel department. Check this service to qualify your staff.

Sales Price
Ferramenta Exclusiva Semcon, que proporciona rapidez e segurança no cálculo de custos e formação do preço de venda; análise de melhor lucratividade de acordo com o preço e volume de venda; permite identificar equívocos e direcionar a empresa para uma maior lucratividade nas vendas e; traz facilidade para verificação do ponto de equilíbrio (em valor e quantidade de unidades). Solicite uma demonstração.

Credibilidade Certificada

certeza de uma parceria sólida e repleta de bons resultados